radical realness therapy


Mental Health


You Are Resilient & You Belong

As a queer-identified therapist, I know how important it is to come to therapy knowing you will feel safe, respected, and understood.

I have experience working with LGBTQIA clients of all ages and at all stages of being out & proud.

I know that even when we are thriving in our lives, we still experience stress from living in a society that fails to protect our fundamental rights. As a community, I understand the generational traumas we carry, and the challenges we continue to face.

I also believe in our individual and collective resilience.

I help clients safely explore their gender and sexual orientation, heal from internalized messages of rejection or abandonment, or and to believe in their worthiness in this world.

For trans and non-binary clients:

I provide affirming medical letters following WPATH Standards of Care.

If you’re interested in this service outside of ongoing therapy, please reach out for more information.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Interested in Therapy for LGBTQIA Folks?

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